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Big Three




+ Government of the Russian Federation

Big Three LLC is the Russian IT company, software developer and technologies of automation in the field of ecology and also the producer of microelectronics since 2016.

All software of the company is made and stored strictly in the territory of the Russian Federation. The big Three is a resident Skolkovo, enters the State Register of the accredited organizations performing activity in information technology field has necessary licenses for activities for development and production of means of protecting of confidential information and on technical confidential information protection, issued by Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia.

Staff of the company the Big Three is included into expert advices and the working groups of such organizations as the International Electrotechnical Commission of ICE, ISO International Organization for Standardization, the International Partnership in Cooperation in the field of Energy efficiency of IPEEC, the Economic Commission for Europe of the UN and the UN Habitat, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation. Are Candidates of Technical Sciences, Winners of an award of the Government of the Russian Federation, Winners of a grant of the Russian President on a research on the priority directions of science and technology of the Russian Federation, a grant of the President, a grant of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Products & Services

In addition to the automation system of business processes and control and supervising activity, the solution on creation of forecasts and mathematical modeling of a situation in the address industry with waste considering a set of economic, logistic, technology factors is developed. The software solutions developed by the company allow to create the forecast of development of the industry of the address with waste in the region and changes of a rate for the decades ahead; estimate as any changes will affect the industry: inactivation of old objects according to the address with waste or construction new, use of different technologies of processing, different routes of export, the choice of a location for a new object.

Software products of the company are used in authorities and at regional operators more than in 50 regions of the Russian Federation.

2020: Rostelecom purchased Big three for 1.275 billion rubles

On November 19, 2020 it became known of sale of Big three to Rostelecom. The cost of the transaction is 1.275 billion rubles.

About what Rostelecom buys by 51% of the developer of the platform for automation of processing of waste Vedomosti was told by representatives of both companies. The operator already signed the agreement on acquisition of 1% and call options for 50% of shares which he implements in the first half of 2021.

The transaction is issued through child structure of Rostelecom Bashinformsvyaz (it possesses 1%). Big Three LLC will be a part of the Rostelecom group as subsidiary, having saved a command, the representative of telecommunication company reported the edition.

Rostelecom purchased Big three for 1.275 billion rubles

By November, 2020 Big three works with 170 operators on waste management in 60 regions of Russia. The transaction with Rostelecom will allow to expand geography thanks to an ecosystem of the operator, the CEO of Big three Artem Sedov considers.

According to the vice president for applied projects of Rostelecom Igor Zimin, the company equates the potential of the purchased business cluster to it the directions as information security and cloud services.

According to Vedomosti, Rostelecom already took steps for development in the field of processing of waste. In the spring of 2020 it suggested Rospotrebnadzor to estimate a possibility of creation of a single system of disinfecting of epidemiologically hazardous waste based on developments of the company. Then telecom operator. estimated program implementation term in two months.

Acquisition of Big three by Rostelecom looks as the new and not predicted direction of business of the operator and as a first approximation it does not look the having supersynergy effect, the managing director of A Partners investment company Alexey Solovyov believes.[1]
